Permaculture video opinion

 In my opinion the video  " 7 Food Forests in 7 minutes. Building a Permaculture Paradise" are very interesting. I like the video because he showed us different stages to a food forest. He started with an explanation very simple about the bacterias like "Rhizobium", this bacterias influence to produce nitrogen in the first stage. I think that it's a kind of base to understand permaculture, then he mentioned that every plant in his cultive has a relationship, they grow together and in that form he has better results.I think that it's a good technique to fight with monocultive monarchy, however I think that it's not a solution on a big scale to fight hunger or poverty in Chile. ¿ Why do I think this ?, because i talked with my big brother, he is agriculture. He told me that kind of techniques are used for little farmers to wake up a business maybe, but he didn't see permaculture on a big scale, in other words that system is too improbable. Chile's population grows every day for that reason, in my view, needs food safety. In conclusion i think that permaculture has good things but it's not applicable on a big scale.


  1. I also think it would be difficult, cause I think you need to have space and for example, in Santiago it would be impossible for people that lives in apartment uwu


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